Ngajat - Dance of the Sarawak Iban-Dayak by NusPARC Dance Company

Ngajat – Dance of the Sarawak Iban-Dayak by NDC (NusPARC Dance Company) was premiered at the Dance Xchange: The Philippine International Dance Festival 2020. Choreographed by Albert Sigan Anak Saliman, this piece is accompanied by the music, The music, Tabuh Bujang Berani – Sounds of Tabuh Engkeromong performed by the family members of Ramles Radin Anak Suradi (dancer) from Nanga Tutong in Sarawak; Gendang by Janda Anak Medup (uncle), Tawak by Brinyie Anak Pingan (mother), Engkeromong by Entirong Anak Bayang (uncle) and Bendai by Ramos Ukar Anak Yakobus (cousin). Apart from Ramles Radin Anak Suradi, the dancers are Mickey Nangkai Anak Jundan, Zainadance Zidane Ijau Anak Lanyun, Noryshea Nala Lexline Anak Alexander, Almiesha Jenun Anak Anthony Lawan and Aurelia Vanessa Anak Clement. This dance film was shot at the Bernam river in Tanjung Malim to replicate the natural surroundings and habitat of the Rumah Panjang (Iban long house) in Sarawak.

Film Title Ngajat – Dance of the Sarawak Iban-Dayak

Ngajat, a dance from the Iban-Dayak community of Sarawak in East Malaysia, is normally performed to celebrate Gawai Dayak (harvest festival) and to welcome important guests to their longhouses

Film Maker

A NusPARC Documentary Production


Nusantara Performing Arts Research Center (NusPARC)

Director: Professor Dr Mohd Anis Md Nor

Production Designer: Hafzan Zannie Hamza

Executive Producers: Hafzan Zannie Hamza & Abdul Hamid Chan

Director of Photography: Muhammad Zharif Azzudin Mohd Tahir

Music: Tabuh Bujang Berani – Sounds of Tabuh Engkeromong

Music Composer: Entirong Anak Bayang


Entirong Anak Bayang

Brinyie Anak Pingan

Janda Anak Medup

Ramos Ukar Anak Yakobus

Choreographer: Albert Sigan Anak Saliman

Male Dancers:

Mickey Nangkai Anak Jundan

Ramles Radin Anak Suradi

Zainadance Zidane Ijau Anak Lanyun

Female Dancers:

Noryshea Nala Lexline Anak Alexander

Almiesha Jenun Anak Anthony Lawan

Aurelia Vanessa Anak Clement

Costume Designers:

Mohd Hafzal Aziz and Albert Sigan


Dance Film - Chura' Iban: A Dance Journey


Live - Kolaborasi Tayangan Perdana dan Perbincangan Meja Bulat untuk Filem Tari Chura' Iban: A Dance Journey (Sambungan)