Education, Research & Publications
NusPARC offers outreach classes for school-going children as well as to the public at large, as the Centre maintains a teaching and rehearsal studio for classes in the dance and music of Malaysia.
NusPARC supports and sponsors workshops, seminars, and symposia that focus on traditional and newly-created arts genres by Southeast Asians.
Young scholars, especially advanced graduate students, artists, or organisations may apply for financial aid to attend a seminar, workshop, or symposium that is educational.
A formal application process, reviewed by an independent screening committee, determines the recipients of financial awards. Graduate students and others have been awarded stipends for attendance at symposia from 2010 through 2019, where they have given paper presentations or performed demonstrations.
Financial aid as scholarships/fellowships are offered to qualified graduate students and scholars to carry out research and documentation activities in all performing arts and related genres in the Southeast Asian region.
Documentation may take form in all media, including written records and electronic formats such as digital audio/video recordings.
The inclusion of all performing arts genres (music, dance, and theater) encourages integrated, collaborative field research by scholars. This aspect of the Research Program is reflected in the ongoing research being carried out by the members of the NusPARC Board of Directors themselves who are engaged in individual and collaborative research projects in the Southeast Asian performing arts.
Candidates for financial support undergo a formal application process monitored by an independent screening committee of experts in the fields represented here.
A primary aim is to generate a large variety of educational and informational publications.
Financial support is awarded to qualified applicants for publication projects may include the preparation of manuscripts and the actual production costs for publishing a specific work.
Publications may be in all media types, including printed monographs, articles, books, compact discs, digital video discs, and online formats.
Scholars, artists, and students at the graduate and post-graduate academic levels may apply for financial publication aid, with applications reviewed by an independent screening committee.
Reflecting its dedication to producing educational materials for academic or general purposes, to date NusPARC has produced three publications and has provided funding for editorial assistance in the production of a third work. Other publication projects are in the planning stage.